Crown Paint Thinner

Crown Paint Thinner is a quality thinner for oil-based paints, varnishes, and enamels. It may be used as a clean-up solvent for brushes, rollers, spray equipment, roller trays, or to remove dirt or grease before painting to improve brushing qualities.
By Crown


Crown Paint Thinner is a quality thinner for oil-based paints, varnishes, and enamels. It may be used as a clean-up solvent for brushes, rollers, spray equipment, roller trays, or to remove dirt or grease before painting to improve brushing qualities. 

Features & Benefits:
• Helps thin oil-based paints, varnishes, and enamels
• Use as a clean-up solvent
• Remove dirt or grease
• Improves brushing quality
• Meets federal specification TT-T-291

Product Guides:
Crown Paint Thinner Safety Data Sheet

More Information

Directions For Use:
• If possible use outdoors in an open area. If increased odor is noticed, or you experience dizziness, eye watering, headaches, nausea or loss of coordination, cover product and leave area immediately. Do not return until adequate ventilation has been established. A dust mask does not provide protection against vapors. For an OSHA controlled workplace and other regular users, use only with adequate ventilation under engineered air controll systems. Do not cut, puncture, or weld on or near this container. Beware of static electricity that may be generated by synthetic clothing and other sources. Wear chemical-resistant protective goggles, apron and gloves when using this product. Photochemically reactive. Refer to safety data sheet at for additional cautions before using, transporting, or storing this product.

Cautions and Disclaimers
Contains Petroleum Distillates - Keep away from heat, hot surfaces and flames. Do not smoke while using. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use only with adequate ventilation. If used indoors, open windows and doors and maintain cross ventilation. Do not use in areas where vapors can accumulate such as in basements, bathrooms or other small enclosed vapors. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed while not in use. Intentional inhalation may be harful or fatal.

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